Articles Written for Charity Village

Building a Supportive Community for Worker Well-being

Published on Charity VillageDate: 31st August 2022 This article is an excerpt from Conscious Service: Ten Ways to Reclaim your Calling, Move beyond Burnout, and Make a Difference without Sacrificing Yourself (Hazelden Publishing, Publication Date: April 2022) and is reprinted with permission. What happens to our health when our happiness is seen as optional in our organizations, or […]

Building a Supportive Community for Worker Well-being Read More »

Transparency and Authenticity Go Hand in Hand

Published on Charity VillageDate: 20th July 2022 This article is an excerpt from Conscious Service: Ten Ways to Reclaim your Calling, Move beyond Burnout, and Make a Difference without Sacrificing Yourself (Hazelden Publishing, Publication Date: April 2022) and is reprinted with permission. Building communities and cultures that respect and value all their members requires transparency between the organization’s

Transparency and Authenticity Go Hand in Hand Read More »

Is a “culture of service” harming nonprofit professionals?

Published on Charity VillageDate: 30th June 2022 This article is an excerpt from Conscious Service: Ten Ways to Reclaim your Calling, Move beyond Burnout, and Make a Difference without Sacrificing Yourself (Hazelden Publishing, Publication Date: April 2022) and is reprinted with permission. The role of workplace and community culture has become a major focus in discussions about organizational

Is a “culture of service” harming nonprofit professionals? Read More »

Creating community together: An invitation to leadership

Published on Charity VillageDate: 27th May 2022 This article is an excerpt from Conscious Service: Ten Ways to Reclaim your Calling, Move beyond Burnout, and Make a Difference without Sacrificing Yourself (Hazelden Publishing, Publication Date: April 2022) and is reprinted with permission. To create community together, there must be a together. For most of us, together

Creating community together: An invitation to leadership Read More »