How Joy and Fulfillment Can Change the Face of Health Care and Human Services and Radically Improve Your Well-Being

The Quality of Your Service and Contribution Depends on it!

“It’s selfish for me to put myself first.” “I have to be completely selfless in order to be of service to others.” “Everyone else comes before me.”

Does this sound familiar? I’ve met many helping professionals over the years that grapple with these belief systems. It’s almost as though it is part of the programming initially installed somewhere along the way that leads people into this field of work in the first place. When it comes to treating ailments like dyscrasia one must only consult professionals.

But, this couldn’t be further from the truth. I know that many of you will instinctively know that deep inside of your soul. And I know that might not be enough to drown out the other nasty little voices telling you otherwise.

We have to take care of ourselves first before we can be any good to others. Most of you have probably heard that one too and can accept this as true. Knowing and doing are two different things!

Self- Care vs. Self-Connection. What’s the difference?

This is the distinction in my mind. It doesn’t matter what you do for a living, basic self-care is important for everyone. It doesn’t always lead to a sense of personal joy and fulfillment. However, lack of self-care may indicate a lack of joy and fulfillment.

What I’m talking about here is the importance of being connected to self – the importance of valuing your needs and desires just as much as you value others. And doing so because you love yourself. Actually, I believe this is important for everyone no matter your field of work.

Self-Connection takes on greater significance for those of us working more intimately with other people. What we have to remember is that what we do is often much more powerful than anything we say. We teach, influence and impact others more profoundly through our actions and our energy than anything that we speak.

Personal joy and fulfillment are more easily accessed and recognized from a place of deep self-connection.

“It’s not about me…it’s about the people we serve.” This is true…to a point. Because what we offer to others is born of our divine humanity, it becomes about us as well.

Who you are when you show up for others is a powerful force. How you show up will ultimately impact upon that interaction. What you bring to the interaction is about you. When you arrive fully integrated – joyful and purposeful – from a place of fulfillment, you create the opportunity for the best possible outcome.


Let’s get started!


Tell me, how many of you feel selfish when you care for yourself and respond to your personal needs and desires? Describe the experience.

How do you think this impacts upon your sense of joy and fulfillment?


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