In this moment, I choose to trust the process. I am aware of the questions that are tapping on my shoulder. They tap because the answer is not fully accessible to me in this moment. So, I trust.
I trust that my answers will be revealed to me and in the meantime, I will learn patience and have the opportunity to let go. And I will have the questions. The questions will keep me moving forward in the energy of curiosity and expansion.
I sense the protection and security that is available to me as a walk an uncertain path. I may not see evidence around me, but in my heart, I can feel that I am supported and safe with every single step that I take.
I notice the sense of relief that starts to settle in my belly. There is a bit of surprise as I realize that in this moment, I have surrendered. I have a glimpse of acceptance of my current circumstances and I let the peace flood in.
I see how my mind can be a trap that keeps me from feeling this peace. My mind wants me to run in circles and search for the answer like a dog with a bone. My heart waits patiently. She knows that as soon as I tire of the chase, there will be a moment of stillness she can whisper into.
It is the whisper I wait for. It is the whisper I prepare for. It is the whisper I open to.
I am listening.
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