Telling Your Story as a Path to Conscious Service


As Service Providers, most of us are aware of the power of storytelling as we come to learn more about the people we serve. We instinctively know that people experience a sense of freedom and confidence when they are able to embrace their stories.


Storytelling helps illuminate key moments in the journey ~ the ones that leave us forever changed. When someone decides to share their story with us, we are let into their private world and we become better able to understand how experience has shaped the present moment. As a witness to others’ stories, we are given access to their interpretations and the meaning they have assigned to their experiences. There is an opportunity in that witnessing to alter perspective, glean the wisdom of it all, and shed anything that no longer serves.


Most of us are encouraged to create safe and sacred space in order to hear other people’s stories. We are trained to listen actively and without judgment. We are aware that people often become defined by their stories and can get lost in a review of past events. As Service Providers, we are skilled at helping others accept their stories, find release from the patterns and become unstuck in order to embrace the present and the possibilities of a future that looks different from the past.


What about your story?


How many of us take the time to tell our own stories? How aware are you of the experiences that have shaped your sense of self today? What labels have created a trap in your life? What stories seem to repeat again and again ~ perhaps, with different characters ~ in your life?


The people you serve often feel that they have no voice; that their experience matters little to the rest of the world. People living with addictions, health related challenges, various forms of disability can experience marginalization in life ~ a sense of sitting on the sidelines, ignored by a society that is more concerned with achievement and worldly success than responding to the needs of others. It is common for people on the fringes of society to feel invisible and unimportant.


Service Providers sometimes share in this sense of being undervalued and overlooked. We certainly see this reflected in salaries, workloads, and available opportunities. Our society and economy does not place high importance on the valuable contribution that is offered by Service Providers in all walks of life. Maybe, this is an experience you can relate to ~ one that has left you disillusioned and tired.


Exploring the story of your own life might be just what you need to reconnect to that part of yourself that remembers what you are here for. Your story has the power to remind you of all that you are, the richness of your life, and the direction you are moving. Taking the time to honor your story is a powerful demonstration of self-love.


Your story matters.


Join Us


On the next episode of Serving Consciously airing on Friday October 26, 2018 at 12pm PST on, my guest, Anthea Fenton and I will explore this topic in more depth. Let me tell you a bit about Anthea.


Consciously serving from an early age, Anthea’s life has been one of compassionate action through the gift of Presence.  Known as an Empowering Angel, she leaves no stone unturned to shine her light and align to truth. With humility, grace and heart bursting passion, she shines.


From Care Assistant with Elders, Children & People with Learning Disabilities, (Residential) to Social Work in Hospital and Community, she always felt as though something was missing.  Searching outside of herself, she pursued teaching at the local College and University where she was promoted to Manager.  Her mission and successful accomplishment was to transition the charity into the 21st Century.


In 2000, Anthea was at a pivotal point.  Burnt out from ‘caring with compromise’, she was labelled with stress, anxiety and depression when she received her sick note requiring her to take 3 months off work. These labels have transformed her life.


Wondering if anyone else felt the same way, Anthea wrote her book, Life After Stress, Anxiety & Depression. It is produced in such a way that it creates space for the reader to Pause for thought and write their story on the pages provided.  This gives the reader a handholding experience of sharing their journey ~ to:get:her.


Anthea has created an online/offline inclusive formula for those who are willing to walk their talk through the Tell Your Story Blueprint. Under the umbrella of The School for Facilitators of Change, storytelling sessions have become a way for each of us to serve consciously without compromise.  The aim is to reduce isolation and create a global duty of care. As we grow through telling our story and going within, we release our authentic self and naturally become able to create space for others to do the same.


I hope you can join us to learn more about this powerful practice and how it connects to your capacity for Conscious Service.


Let’s get started!


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