Appreciation ~ Part One


I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my capacity for gratitude and how fluently I express it in my day-to-day life.

I know I say thank you when I feel rescued from some horrible fate – you know the smoke coming out the hood of the car turns out to not be that big of a deal – that kind of thing. But, how often do I stop to say thank you for the many blessings and simple pleasures that are present every day. How much of my beautiful life do I take for granted?

What Am I Missing?

At times, I have had a serious case of “delayed reaction.” What I mean by that is it has often taken me a very long time to acknowledge and appreciate some of the blessings and opportunities that I have manifested over the years. I ask for something or declare to the Universe that I would like to experience something and it shows up – but I don’t notice it for a really long time…like sometimes, years! Hmmm…what am I missing?

So, a few weeks ago, I realized it was high time that I began to express my gratitude for all that I am blessed with – in fact gratitude for everything.

This can be a bit of a tough pill to swallow. There are times, when the first two words that come to mind in certain situations aren’t necessarily, “thank you!” if you know what I mean!

Appreciation vs. Gratitude

Maybe, if I can’t conjure up a sincere and heartfelt expression of gratitude, maybe, just maybe, I could learn to have appreciation for it all. What’s the difference, you say? Same question I had when I started writing this little gem!

Well, gratitude is both an expression and a feeling, I suppose – one that is intended to convey thankfulness. Pretty simple. I like the idea of cultivating an attitude of gratitude and I do believe that as we give thanks for all we have, we attract even more to be thankful for. I do believe that.

I also know that saying thank you for something when I really want to say “why me?” is not as easy for me to accomplish. It doesn’t feel like genuine gratitude – it feels more like I’m saying, “yeah, thanks but no thanks!”

What about appreciation? How is it different? Well, it might have something to do with understanding the value in something – someone – an experience. It might have something to do with recognizing the possibility for growth through the process of simple acceptance of what is. You know when we do this, and really give up the resistance, big things can happen!

So, could I learn to practice appreciation for those circumstances or conditions – even people – in my life that I didn’t quite have the gratitude for…yet? I think I can do that. It may not always be my first response, but I can get there. I know I can!

And so can you.


Let’s get started!


Think of a time in your life that was difficult to accept. Can you find any value in the experience? Tell us about it!


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