The fog outside mirrors the clouds of my mind
I can barely see my hand in front of my face
Or my next step
Desperate to know what will unfold around the next corner
Navigating rapid changes
Meeting unexpected twists and turns
Holding my breath
Sometimes with fear
At times anticipation
Can I handle all that is coming?
Will I survive?
Will I make it to the other side?
Maybe, I can do more than survive
I’m tired of simply surviving
Grateful that I have and ready for more
Imagination begins to open
Scenes emerge so vivid
The mist begins to lift
Clarity shows me the possibilities
Focus sharpens
Vision crystallizes
My imagination becomes my crystal ball
My glimpse into the future
The future of my creation
The dreams and desires of my heart and soul
Create a future reality just as possible
As the one conjured up through my fears
I choose the dream
Let\’s get started!
The dream or the nightmare ~ your choice.
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