The Cost of Misalignment


Misalignment. Out of whack. Disconnected. Off balance. Take your pick.

Who doesn’t experience a state of disconnect in the fast paced, often rushed pace our society has created? We are so focused on achievement, efficiency, and productivity. Even though we talk about it alot, many of us still have difficulty doing one thing at a time and nurturing a sense of connection to ourselves – a sense of being grounded.

When I am in alignment, I am able to maintain integrity. I am not only aware of my thoughts, my beliefs, my perceptions, and my emotions; I am also present to my options and connected to a sense of deep personal responsibility. This sense of responsibility reminds me that I am the one who decides amongst my options – I choose my next step. I hear my intuition – I trust the guidance. I respond to my own needs as a human being.

Yeah, I don’t always have such a strong sense of clarity!

Get Straight

It’s been awhile since I have been aligned. And I have only just realized it recently – I mean, really realized it! Prior to that, I had been resisting it – and shirking my responsibility to get straight with myself.

The costs of being out of whack are huge. Physically, it is completely draining and exhausting. Picture yourself pushing a wagon with no wheels up a steep hill. Everything feels harder. There are barriers and blocks at every turn and your physical capacity to meet the challenge is just not available.

I have operated for many years with low-grade irritation – pretty much ready to get pissed off at the drop of a hat. This could be unleashed on the many “inept” drivers that crowd any street in any given city on any given day – anyone who slows me down!

The ones I love the most have also been the recipients of my impatience and self-righteousness. Lucky monkeys! At times, this low-grade irritation has transformed into a more pronounced anxious feeling and a tinge of depression and sadness. Not helpful to the physical energy problem at all!

My thoughts, I have come to realize, can become very focused on what isn’t going right already – and what will likely go wrong in the future. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? I recently heard myself talking and I actually got to a point where I had to just shut up! It was like I had lost control of my capacity to speak with the knowledge that my words held power. I was surprised! I had worked so hard to change around belief systems and to manage thought processes – I thought on some level, I was still doing okay! Nope!

Have you ever tried to live a complaint free week or day, for that matter? Not as easy as it sounds!

Back on Track

Oh, but what about the gifts of realignment? This could be fun!

Realignment means energy. Realignment means excitement. Realignment means clarity. Realignment means awareness. Realignment is connection. Realignment has purpose behind it. Realignment is a big relief. Realignment leads to feeling happy. This is freedom.

Alignment and realignment is a process – not a destination. We arrive – we leave – and we return.

The choice is ours.

When you have a sense of alignment you will notice a flow. There is connection and congruency between what you think, what you feel, and ultimately what you do. It is like opening the floodgates to boundless stores of energy and unwavering peace.

Let’s get started!

Notice for the next few days where you stand with respect to your personal sense of alignment. What did you see?


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